Grégoire de Lambertye
Grégoire de Lambertye

Grégoire de Lambertye

French Data Scientist. Currently planning a WHV in New Zealand

About me

I recently graduated with a Master’s degree from the Technical University of Vienna 🇦🇹 and the INSA Lyon 🇫🇷. I am fascinated by the potential of data science and its multi-field application. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve had the opportunity to work with data from various domains, including healthcare, nuclear power plants, and even music. This ability of data science to bridge across different industries is what drew me to the field and continues to fuel my passion for exploring its vast applications.


Download my CV here.


I present here some personal and academic projects with a non-technical approach


To be update soon

Contact & social media

Reach me through email or one of my social !